Monday, August 2, 2010

Giving props to Goto-San

For ever toy collector the origin of our favorite hobby comes from Kaiju toys. Even if your not a fan of Kaiju, you have to give them credit for being around decades before this whole Urban Vinyl/Designer Toy scene. They have even influenced mainstream media with things like Godzilla, and Ultraman. Take a look in the background of every episode of Roseanne there is a Godzilla toy just hanging around, and not to mention where do you think the idea for you childhood love the Power Rangers came from (don't hide I can see your pajamas from here). I personally love collecting Kaiju but always have been turned off by the price. This video puts it more into perspective for me. I can't imagine having to be this guy and spend 50 yrs doing what hes doing, I can barely stand the last 11 doing tribal tattoos lol. My hat goes off to Goto-San for all his work. I also just wanna point out how gangsta this dude is, I bet those paints have more lead in them then a fishing weight and he's not even wearing a mask (I wonder what color his lungs look).Soon I am gonna share some pictures of my favorite Kaiju toys I own. Thanks to the Beast Bros for sharing this video with me.